Bedford County, VA - Will Book 4, pages 279-281
In the name of God Amen, I Henry Haynes of the county of Bedford and State of Virginia being of sound mind & disposing memory do make and ordain this my last will & testament in manner & form following, that is to say
First It is my will & desire that after my decease all my just debts & funeral expenses be first paid by my executors hereafter named.
Secondly I give & bequeath unto my loving wife Tabitha one third part of all my land the following Negroes Viz. Jinkin Ned Anaka & Vine & also one third part of all the residue of my personal Estate for & during her natural life, and after her decease I give the same except the land to be equally divided among my children as follows to wit, Nancy Frances Joel Stephen & Matilda to them & their heirs forever, and if in case one or more of the said children should depart this life without Lawful issue their part of the above named personal Estate be equally divided among the survivor or survivors of them. [These four children were with Tabitha. All the other eleven were with his first wife Bersheba.]
3rdly I give to the children of my deceased daughter Polly Stratton that is to say Betsey Sally Henry William John & Polly one dollar each to them & their heirs forever.
4thly I give to my daughter Betsey Smith one third part of my Negro man Bird in addition to what she has already received to her & her heirs forever.
5thly I give to my son Hampton Haynes the sum of money which I have sometime ago lent him to the amount of forty pounds or upward in addition to what I have heretofore given him and him & his heirs forever.
6thly I give to my son William Haynes, one third part of the value of the Negro man Bird above mentioned in addition to what I have heretofore given him to him & his heirs forever.
7thly I give to my son John Haynes one dollar in addition to what I have given him heretofore to him & his heirs forever.
8thly I give to my son Henry Haynes one third part of the value of my Negro man Bird heretofore mention in addition to what I have heretofore given him to him & his heirs forever.
9thly I give to my son Milliner Haynes one dollar in addition to what I have given him heretofore to him & his heirs forever.
10thly I give to my son Frances Haynes one dollar in addition to what I have heretofore given him to him & his heirs forever.
11thly I give to my daughter Bathsheba Whitely one dollar in addition to what I have heretofore given her, to her & her heirs forever.
12thly I give to my daughter Milly Whiteley one Seventh part of the proceeds of the sale of all my land reserving to my wife Tabitha the use of one third part for and during her natural life (agreeably to the provision of the second Item) In addition to what I have heretofore given her, to her & her heirs forever.
13thly I give to my daughter Sally Cobb on seventh part of the proceeds of the sale of all my land (with the same reserve as in the thirteenth item) in addition to what she has already received, to her & her heirs forever.
14thly I give to my daughter Nancy one Seventh part of the proceeds of the sale of all my land (reserving &c as above mentioned) also my Negro girl Dorcas at her appraisement to her & her heirs forever.
15thly I give to my daughter Frances one seventh part of the proceeds of the sale of all my land (reserving &c as above) also my Negro girl Charlotte at her appraisement value likewise the bay horse which is called hers to her & her heirs forever.
16thly I give to my son Joel Haynes one Seventh part of the proceeds of the sale of all my land (reserving &c as heretofore) also my Negro boy Ned at his appraisement value, also the sorrel mare which he claims at her appraisement value to him & his heirs forever.
17thly I give to my son Stephen one Seventh part of the proceeds of the sale of all my land (with the same reserve as heretofore) also my Negro boy Boston at his appraisement value, also a young bay colt at it appraisement value to him & his heirs forever.
18thly I give to my daughter Matilda one Seventh part of the proceeds of the sales of all my land (reserving &c as heretofore) likewise it is my desire that provided there should not be a Negro born in the family of those left to my wife before a division of my estate among my legatees or before my said daughter Matilda arrives at age that my executors purchase for her a small Negro girl not exceeding Ten years of age to be paid for out of any part of my estate not otherwise disposed of to her & her heirs forever.
19thly It is my will and desire that all the residue of my estate not specifically given away should be divided among my children as followeth Viz., Nancy Frances Joel Stephen & Matilda so as to make their parts all equal including the Negroes &c before mentioned.
20th It is my will & desire that my executors hereafter named so soon as they may think proper after my decease do sell at their discretion my Negro woman Winney & the money arising therefrom to be equally divided among my said children to wit: Nancy Frances Joel, Stephen & Matilda.
21st And Lastly I do hereby constitute & appoint my friends William Whitely & Thomas Johnson Executors to this my last will & testament hereby revoking all other wills & testaments by me heretofore made and it is my desire that my said Executors so soon after my decease & at their discretion should dispose of by sale the remaining two thirds of all my land in such manner as they shall judge will be most conducive to the interest of the several Legatees, and after the death of my wife it is also my will & desire that my said executors at their discretion do sell the remaining one third part of all my land in like manner. It is likewise my desire that my son Stephen have one years schooling & my daughter Matilda such schooling as my said Executors may think necessary to be paid for and attended to by my said Executors.
In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this twenty sixth day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred & Sixteen Signed sealed published & declared as & for the Last
Henry Haynes (seal)
Will & testament of the sd. Henry Haynes in Presence of us:
Wm. Leftwich
Joel Preston
Drury Holland
At a Court held for Bedford County at the Courthouse the 25 day of November 1816. This Last will & testament of Henry Haynes dec. was exhibited in court & proven by the oath of William Leftwich & Drury Holland subscribing witnesses & ordered to be recorded. And on the motion of William Whiteley & Thomas Johnson the executors therein named who made oath & gave bond & security according to Law, certificate is granted them for obtaining a probate thereof in due form.
J. Steptoe C.B.C.
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