Other sites of interest

Research a Surname

Family forum is a great place to find specific help with almost any name:http://genforum.genealogy.com/surnames/

The Surname Web can be searched for family names: http://www.surnameweb.org/search/Search.cgi

The Latter Day Saints (LDS) have a new website to search some of their files: http://www.familysearch.org/

RootsWeb has great resources:

It can lead you to data for a specific surname.http://resources.rootsweb.com/surnames/

    ... and you can join an e-mail list for your surname http://lists.rootsweb.com/

   : http://rsl.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/rslsql.cgi

It can now do a Meta-Search of over 40 databases http://www.rootsweb.com/

WorldConnect has 43MM 200MM names sent in by researchers http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/

Research a Location

RootsWeb can lead you to data from a specific state, county, etc.:http://resources.rootsweb.com/USA/

Bedford County, Virginia, for example: ftp://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/va/bedford

If what you want is not on rootsweb, try Genforum: http://genforum.genealogy.com/regional/states/

USGenWeb Project; run by volunteers who provide Internet websites for all over the USA:http://www.usgenweb.org/

        They also have quite a bit of US census data on line:http://www.census-online.com/links/index.html

The U.S.  Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has some helpful data on line: http://www.glorecords.blm.gov/

The U.S. Geological Survey Dept. has a site for finding counties, cities, streams, etc. by name:


Very helpful links, articles, and queries are on :http://www.stategensites.com/

Help, Hints and How-to-sites

 Rootsweb has several introductory courses on genealogy: 

    For example t hey have a "newbie" site at http://www.rootsweb.com/~newbie/

    Myra Vanderpool Gormley et al have a course at http://www.rootsweb.com/~rwguide/

Linda Haas Davenport has a lot of information, both for neophyte and experienced genealogists:


The Genealogy Helplist consists of volunteers who are willing to help others: http://helplist.org/

Broderbund's Family Tree Maker several helpful sites:

        how-to articles of interest: http://www.familytreemaker.com/backissu.html

        and a site with courses and help for all levels: http://www.genealogy.com/genehelp.html

The National Genealogical Society has a course, but it costs $50; the first lesson is free$35 for members:


And, of course, see helpful AOL sites below, under commercial sites ... [No longer available]

Sites dedicated to HAYNES

Paulette Haynes' updated personal page covers some other HAYNES: http://members.aol.com/chrishayne/
            [SIie now says AOL lost her web site, and she hasn't the energy to reconstruct it.]

A HAYNES-McDONALD site by another John L. Haynes: http://www.micronet.net/users/~haymac/  
            [Site no longer exists at this URL]

John G. West's HAYNES page - an indented list from William 1710: http://www.evansville.net/~mylines/myhaynes.html

Charles A. Haynes has a very nice site; descends from William 1710 - http://www.studio712.com/grafica/genes (Not working 23 Feb 00)

GenForum has a HAYNES threaded message forum: http://genforum.genealogy.com/haynes/

Sites with some HAYNES data

Family forum is a great place to find specific help with almost any name:http://www.genforum.com/haynes/

RSL has lists of folks chasing most surnames: http://rsl.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/rslsql.cgi(New address)

Brenda Wheeler's Kentucky Roots site has many HAYNES: http://www.bardstown.com/~jwheeler

All these once useful sites are no longer are at the stated URLs, or no longer have useful HAYNES data

Milton Scott's personal page has some VA HAYNES: http://www.flash.net/~mscott  
        [Site no longer exists at this URL]

The Thurman personal page has some HAYNES:http://www.megabits.net/~lthurman  
        [Site has changed; no longer has useful HAYNES links]

Andrew Burdett's "Big Tree" has lots of names!: http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~bigtree/  
        [Site has changed; no longer has useful HAYNES links]

Botetort County, VA HAYNES line by J. Smart: http://www.citynet.net/personal/jsmart (Not working anymore as of 23 Feb 00)

Pam Carey Durstock site has 15 HAYNES:  http://w3.one.net/~durp/cgi-bin/igmget.cgi/n=Carey?I3150
        [Site has changed; no longer has useful HAYNES links]

Cunningham-Peck Family Tree Genealogy has some HAYNES: http://www.cproots.com

Sites with Irish links   [Neither of these is now useful -- Ouch!]

Mary in Orlando has lots of Irish info:  http://members.aol.com/waterlilys/

A Great O'DONNELL family page, with many useful links: http://ynot.netgrp.net/~tursky/index.html

Sites of general interest

Cyndi has assembled an extensive list of links to Genealogy sites: http://www.cyndislist.com  (79,000 as of 3 Oct 00) [168,150 genealogy links as of 17 Oct 2002!!]

The Osborne Family has a very nice site with interesting format: [Dead link]

Before you go to Washington, DC, check these two helpful US Govt sites:

The mother lode of data is at the US National Archives.:http://www.nara.gov/genealogy/genindex.html

Civil War data are at http://www.nara.gov/genealogy/civilwar.html

Your Library of Congress has its catalog on line: http:catalog.loc.gov/ [Revised URL]

Herb Weiner has a perpetual calendar on line: http://www.wiskit.com/calendar.html

A list of wars, old disease names, genealogy glossary, etc :http://members.tripod.com/~Silvie/charts.html

A few of the Commercial Sites

AOL has a wealth of information and links - keyword Genealogy Forum

Genealogy.com is a useful site from The Learning Company: http://www.genealogy.com

        They have a page for locating genealogical sites: http://www.genealogysitefinder.com

Ancestry, Inc has a site that offers news, search, and stuff for sale: http://www.ancestry.com

Family Tree maker has book images on line called GenealogyLibrary http://www.familytreemaker.com/glc_deny.html (Fee)

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Last revised Thursday, October 17, 2002